Monday, August 30, 2010


fight fight fight fight!!!!!
Slap slap slap slap slap slap!!!
ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!


NAME: Hippo Monroe
COLOR: Purple, Gray
BIRTH DAY: April 2, ( Pods a spring hippopotamus)

PERSONALITY: Stay cool, being a calm hippo

LIKES: The color GREEN, eating green grapes.

DISLIKES: Panicking, can't solve problems, being embarrassed.

HOBBIES: Listening to his chilling jazz music. ( Where ever he goes, his radio follows. because it makes Pod cool down.)

FAVORITE WORDS: Chill down, whoa, awesome!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stuart Little Part 2

in the 2nd book of Stuart little.Stuart  enters a sail boat race.he borrowed a remote control sail boat, but Stuart controls it manually.when the race had start, all the boats were rushing through the lake.all the other boats were catching up with him.when the boats had passed Stuart, a big wave came and Stuart fell out of the boat. but he was okay. Stuart didn't want to give up so he got back on the boat and started to race again.when all the other boats and Stuart were heading towards the finished line Stuart was catching up and................Stuart won!!
everyone was surprised that a tiny little mouse can win a sail boat race. A few days later found a bird named Margalo. Margalo was nice and sweet just like Stuart. The both of them were best friends. one day Margalo wanted to leave without Stuart noticing cause she knows it would hurt his feelings. but Margalo fitted in the family so well she decided to stay longer. Stuart and Margalo became best friend more longer.....(to be continue)


Monday, August 23, 2010

Stuart Little Part 1

The little family wanted to adopt a son, but they ended up adopting a mouse named Stuart. Stuart had some difficulties fitting in a human family because he was so small. The Little family loved and cared for Stuart. Even though Stuart's a mouse he was a big help around the house. If the family ever lost something in small places Stuart will get it because of his size. Stuart went under chairs, through holes, and even in a piano. One day Mrs. little was washing the dishes, she didn't notice that her ring was missing. She had dropped it in the drain!It was to deep to reach, but then Stuart volunteered to go down the drain and get Mrs.little's ring. so they got a string and a hook on the end for Stuart to stand on. when he went down the drain, it was dark and filled with left over food. suddenly the string was pulled up they thought Stuart had fell in the drain, but when they keep on pulling up they found Stuart on the end of the hook all covered in goo with the ring.(to be continued).......